8 Quotes & Sayings By Jolene Stockman

Jolene Stockman is a bestselling author and online marketing consultant. She is also the founder of the award-winning publishing company, Wild Rose Press. Wild Rose Press has published over fifty popular books and is the proud recipient of several awards for excellence in such diverse categories as health, spirituality, and parenting.

You’ve got one life, one shot, and all the power...
You’ve got one life, one shot, and all the power to make it happen. Get ready to dream big and live big. It’s all up to you. And it starts now. Jolene Stockman
There is no real world, just the one you create.
There is no real world, just the one you create. Jolene Stockman
Shrug off the no’s — they are temporary. This is...
Shrug off the no’s — they are temporary. This is your world. In your world there is only yes. Jolene Stockman
I’d been doing everything to please everyone else and some imaginary me. Jolene Stockman
The building is a tumbling house of cards behind me. The bus bitches are paper cutouts. Jolene Stockman
Usually, Shakespeare gives me goose bumps. The guy knows everything. Like some ancient angel quill-ing out blueprints life. Hiding it in fiction. And usually I love the sound of the words, the way they dance on the page. Today, they fall flat. My attention bobbing in the cosmos. All free brain-space is marinating in gap month fizz. I chew my pen, candy-cane style. The million possibilities ahead make it hard to care about right now. I write my answers slowly, each letter carved in stone not ballpoint. I’m going to explore the world, find my passion, try everything! The fizz shoots up my spine and a smile sprouts. Jolene Stockman
I wish I could take it all back, but I can’t. And I definitely can’t un-feel a feeling. Jolene Stockman